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Start-up Business Training

From budding start-ups to established enterprises, UNUM One delivers curriculum that addresses the
unique challenges of entrepreneurship, with special emphasis on minority-owned businesses. The
training sessions dive into topics, such as capital acquisition, market strategies, and business scalability.
We provide training to get small businesses and entrepreneurs investment-ready by providing business
strategy, mentoring/coaching, and skill development to drive business growth and scale.

Financial Education & Counseling

Our Financial/Business Residential Bootcamps are intensive, immersive programs designed for individuals looking to gain deep insights and hands-on experience in the world of finance and business. Set in serene residential settings away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, participants are given the opportunity to learn, engage, and network, all while enjoying the comforts and amenities of our top-notch accommodations.

Incubation Programs & Bootcamps

Designed for a wide range of demographics, from students to retirees, these programs delve deep into personal finance, investment strategies, debt management, and retirement planning, ensuring participants can handle their financial futures with expertise.

Global Conferences

Drawing from an extensive network of financial professionals and business moguls, the Foundation hosts global financial conferences. These events serve as knowledge-sharing platforms, fostering collaborations, introducing innovations, and highlighting emerging trends.

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Business Training

UNUM One offers a range of services to support businesses in their growth and goal achievement. We provide customized business training programs that cater to the specific challenges faced by entrepreneurs, with a focus on minority-owned businesses. Our training sessions cover essential topics such as capital acquisition, market strategies, and business scalability. We help small businesses and entrepreneurs become investment-ready by preparing them for investment and revenue generation, creating compelling pitches, understanding the investment landscape and facilitating engagement with potential investors.


We offer training to help businesses optimize their processes, enhance customer interactions, and explore new markets, resulting in improved efficiency and scalability. Our training covers various topics, including capital acquisition, market strategies, and business scalability. We empower small businesses and entrepreneurs to become investment-ready by providing business strategy, coaching, mentoring, and skill development, which ultimately drives business growth and expansion.

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Professional Development

For emerging young leaders going into the professional world.

Venture Capital STEM Bootcamps

Our Venture Capital STEM Bootcamps are intensive and immersive programs for middle and high school students who are looking to gain hands-on experience and deep insights into the world of finance and business. These programs are set in serene residential settings that are away from the everyday hustle and bustle. Participants get to learn, engage, and network while enjoying the top-notch accommodations provided to them. 

Our team curates a holistic informal framework called the Taylor Educational Framework (T.E.F.) that uses three core pillars to infuse a more comprehensive understanding of STEM. We offer over 80 hours of interactive programming in any of our camps, which includes learning, playing, pitching, cultivating relationships, and receiving guidance from global professionals. Our experiences are designed to provide real-world business pitching incorporating leadership, business, investment, and technology.

University Student Leadership Programs

We strongly believe in investing in the education of our future leaders because it is essential to creating a better world. That's why we are proud to provide this opportunity to our future leaders. Our program is customized to support personal and professional growth and equip students with the necessary skills and connections to excel in their chosen career paths.

Our University Student Leadership Program is designed to help college students develop their leadership skills, expand their professional network, and engage with influential corporate leaders on national and global levels. We also specialize in creating tailor-made leadership programs for schools, businesses, and other educational institutions, which are designed to meet the specific needs of each organization. 

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Grants & Scholarships

Business Grants & Competitions

UNUM One is dedicated to supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs through various grants and competitions. Our goal is to promote innovation, stimulate growth, and help new businesses get off the ground. We offer financial assistance through our grants and valuable resources through our competitions.

Our grants are available to small businesses in various industries and service spaces. Our competitions are open to entrepreneurs and start-ups and offer a range of prizes, including cash awards, mentorship, and access to investors. We are committed to helping small businesses succeed, and we believe that our grants and competitions can make a significant difference. If you're an entrepreneur or small business owner looking to take your business to the next level, we encourage you to contact us to see if we're the right fit for you.

Grant applications will be open in Fall of 2024

UNUM One University Scholarship Program (For Students Only)

We are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of leaders and supporting their academic and professional aspirations.  The UNUM One University Scholarship Program is aimed at providing financial aid to deserving university students who are committed to pursuing their academic goals. This program is available to students from diverse backgrounds who exhibit outstanding academic achievements, potential for leadership, and a desire to make a positive impact on their community.

Eligible students can receive financial assistance to cover their tuition fees, textbooks, and other academic expenses. In addition to financial aid, the scholarship program offers mentorship opportunities, career counseling, and networking opportunities to help students succeed in their academic and professional endeavors. 

Scholarship applications will be open in July of 2024

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